Student Handbook
Feel free to download the Victorian Bar School’s Student Handbook, which included information on, but not limited to, Policies, Complaints & Appeals and Fees & Charges. Please also see a copy of our Fee schedule.
Post-Course Assistance
After successfully completing the course students can return for free refresher classes once a month for a period of six months after course completion
Certificate Reprint
Complete Hospitality Training will re-issue certificates at the written request of a student. Certificate reprint is charge at $50 and the replacement process will take approximately 10 working days.
Please see a copy of Complete Hospitality Training’s Complaints & Appeals Policy and Complaint Form.
ASQA Registration
Please follow this link to a copy of Complete Hospitality Training’s most recent Australian Skills Quality Authority certificate of registration.
AQTF Quality Indicators
These indicators are based on a survey of 7861 students and 37 employers. This sample represents 15.5% of this organisations training delivery in the 2014 calendar year. The students and employers surveyed for these indicators were selected by this organisation in accordance with national guidelines. Quality Indicators Report.
A full list of Victorian Bar School’s current policy documentation is available HERE.